URLProtocol and Unit Testing

An NSURLProtocol object handles the loading of protocol-specific URL data. The NSURLProtocol class itself is an abstract class that provides the infrastructure for processing URLs with a specific URL scheme. You create subclasses for any custom protocols or URL schemes that your app supports.

The main point is:

All you have to do is define your protocol class and call the registerClass(_:) class method during your app’s launch time so that the system is aware of your protocol.

The bright idea in me was: what if I have a custom MockURLProtocol class which will intercept and store all requests. Thereby, during unit test; I could register this custom class and test the application logic without ever hitting the network layer (the wire/less).

Tests should be fast and reliable.

This approach could be perfect candidate. But I found the hard way that this was not possible for every cases. Nonetheless, I wrote this post just to highlight first: the URLProtocol itself and second, lacking documentation for this behaviour.

The custom MockURLProtocol

Subclassing the URLProtocol is straightforward.

  1. canInit(with: URLRequest) is called to check if the Protocol can handle given kind of request.
  2. If it can, then canonicalRequest( is called. For starters, we are returning the same request here.
  3. Then comes the actual fetching part. This are handled by startLoading() which is responsible to do all it can to fetch remote content. stopLoading() can be called to either cancel or mark completion.

Here is a basic subclass implementation. Keep in mind, we are not interested to fetch content but rather to intercept the request that would otherwise be used to make actual fetch.

final class MockURLProtocol: URLProtocol {

    static var lastTriedRequest: [URLRequest] = []

    override class func canInit(with request: URLRequest) -> Bool {
        return false

    override class func canonicalRequest(for request: URLRequest) -> URLRequest {
        return request

    override func startLoading() {
        //do nothing

    override func stopLoading() {
        //do nothing


Registering custom URLProtocol

After all, we need to tell the URL Loading system to use our custom protocol.

.registerClass() documentation

When the URL loading system begins to load a request, each registered protocol class is consulted in turn to see if it can be initialized with the specified request. The first NSURLProtocol subclass to return true when sent a canInit(with:) message is used to perform the URL load. There is no guarantee that all registered protocol classes will be consulted. Classes are consulted in the reverse order of their registration. A similar design governs the process to create the canonical form of a request with canonicalRequest(for:).

And here is one way of registering custom protocol class only for the test target.

class TestingAppDelegate: AppDelegate {

    override func application(_ application..., didFinishLaunchingWithOptions ...) -> Bool {
        return true


I actually prefer to register the mock protocol class at the site of use. So my preferred way is to register in each testcase.

Unit Tests and the Catch

import XCTest
@testable import yourNiceTarget
import Alamofire

final class NativeContentEndpointTests: XCTestCase {

    override func setUp() {
        MockURLProtocol.lastTriedRequest = []

    func testWhenConfigProtocolClassIsExplicitlyModified_thenRequestIsIntercepted() {
        let url = URL(string: "www.google.com")!

        let config = URLSessionConfiguration.default
        config.protocolClasses = [MockURLProtocol.self]

        let session = URLSession(configuration: config)
        let task = session.dataTask(with: url)


        XCTAssertEqual(url, MockURLProtocol.lastTriedRequest.last?.url!)
  1. This is how we could specify explicitly to use our custom URLProtocol subclass.
  2. sleep(1) might not be required. Its used here assuming that there might be delay on request execution.
    func testWhenURLProtocolIsRegisteredGlobally_thenRequestIsNotIntercepted() {
        let url = URL(string: "www.google2.com")!


        let session = URLSession(configuration: .default)
        let task = session.dataTask(with: url)

  1. This is how one would register URLProtocol subclass globally. However, URLSession and its counterpart API wont respect this value.

    func testWhenURLProtocolIsRegistedGloballyWhileUsingAlamofire_thenRequestIsNotIntercepted() {
         *  Although we registerd our custom URLProtocol and as per the documentation
         *  the last one will be searched first for -canInit(:)
         *  However, with the introduction of URLSession and URLSessionConfiguration,
         *  things changed.
         *  Reason: The registerClass method registers a protocol with NSURLConnection
         *  and with the shared session only
         *  See link: http://stackoverflow.com/a/38560677/2419589
         *  Apple docs for URLProtocol.register(:) fails to document this behavior and
         *  hence I had to painfully pull my hair for several hours in vain.


        //uses Alamofire
        HTTPManager().loadNativeContent(template: "test-page") { _ in }




If we don’t explicitly set the protocolClasses for the URLSessionConfiguration that we would use to create URLSession, our custom protocol class would not intercept network requests.

Each URLSessionConfiguration (default, ephemeral ) searches the list of system provided default URL Protocols, our custom subclass wont be looked up by default. Testing apps using third party networking library require us to inject protocolClasses into the sessionConfiguration object. This is not straightforward as we have to dissect third party dependencies.

registerClass method registers a protocol with NSURLConnection and with the shared session only. See link: http://stackoverflow.com/a/38560677/2419589

Our app uses Alamofire for networking. Alamofire internally uses the new APIs: NSURLSession constructed with one of NSURLSessionConfiguration. How would we add protocolClasses to this configuration object given this is a third party library. Its possible but is it worth it?

Hence, this approach of trying to Unit Test was a failure for our case.

Alamofire internally uses the same approach of subclassing URLProtocol to test the SessionManager object internally. If you are interested here is the link for the Github Issue and Discussion.


If you want to edit/improve this post, feel free to edit the content on Edit on Github.

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